Stores Event

Stores Event

Since the concept of stores is same as store, it also have a store event handler. We can use onFirstSubscribe, onSubscribe, onUnsubscribe, onLastUnsubscribe, and additional onBeforeChangeKey & onStoreInitialized event handler.

const useCatStores = createStores(
  ({ set }) => ({
    age: 0,
    isSleeping: false,
    increaseAge: () => set((state) => ({ age: state.age + 1 })),
    reset: () => set({ age: 0, isSleeping: false }),
    // New
    onBeforeChangeKey: (nextKey, prevKey) => {
      console.log('Store key changed', nextKey, prevKey);
    onStoreInitialized: (key, keyHash) => {
      console.log('Store with a specific key was initialized', key, keyHash);
   // Same as createStore
    onFirstSubscribe: (state) => {
      console.log('onFirstSubscribe', state);
    onSubscribe: (state) => {
      console.log('onSubscribe', state);
    onUnsubscribe: (state) => {
      console.log('onUnsubscribe', state);
    onLastUnsubscribe: (state) => {
      console.log('onLastUnsubscribe', state);