Lazy Query

Lazy Query

Lazy query or manual query means the query function will not be called automatically. By default, there are 2 things that trigger calling query automatically:

  • A component mounted
  • Window focus event

If we want to create a lazy query, we just need to set fetchOnMount to false. Because by doing that, the default value of fetchOnWindowFocus will be false too.


fetchOnMount and fetchOnWindowFocus can be set to different values. However, if fetchOnWindowFocus is not explicitly set, it will mimic the value of fetchOnMount.

const useCatsQuery = createQuery(
  () => getCats(),
  { fetchOnMount: false },
const useFoxQuery = createQuery(
  ({ id }) => getFoxById({ id }),
  { fetchOnMount: false },
function Component() {
  const { fetch: fetchCats } = useCatsQuery();
  const { fetch: fetchFox } = useFoxQuery({ id: 3 });
  return (
      <button onClick={fetchCats}>Fetch Cats</button>
      <button onClick={fetchFox}>Fetch Fox</button>
const triggerOutsideComponent = () => {
  useFoxQuery.get({ id: 3 }).fetch();
  useFoxQuery.get({ id: 4 }).fetch();