The concept is same as store, but this can be used for multiple stores.
Create a Stores
import { createStores } from 'floppy-disk';
type CatStoreKey = { catId: number };
type CatStore = { age: number; isSleeping: boolean; increaseAge: () => void; reset: () => void };
const useCatStores = createStores<CatStoreKey, CatStore>(
({ set, get, key }) => ({
// ^store key
age: 0,
isSleeping: false,
increaseAge: () => set((state) => ({ age: state.age + 1 })),
reset: () => set({ age: 0, isSleeping: false }),
Using a Stores as Hook
We need to specify the store key (an object) as identifier.
function CatPage() {
const [catId, setCatId] = useState(1);
return (
<div>Current cat id: {catId}</div>
<button onClick={() => setCatId((prev) => prev - 1)}>Prev cat</button>
<button onClick={() => setCatId((prev) => prev + 1)}>Next cat</button>
<Cat catId={catId} />
<Control catId={catId} />
function Cat({ catId }) {
const { age } = useCatStores({ catId });
return <div>Cat's age: {age}</div>;
function Control({ catId }) {
const { increaseAge } = useCatStores(
{ catId },
(state) => [state.increaseAge]
return <button onClick={increaseAge}>Increase cat's age</button>;
Using Store Outside Component
Reading/writing state and reacting to changes outside of components.
const alertCatAge = () => {
alert(useCatStore.get({ catId: 3 }).age);
// ^ get cat store with catId: 3
const toggleIsSleeping = () => {
useCatStore.set({ catId: 7 }, (state) => ({ isSleeping: !state.isSleeping }));
// ^ get cat store with catId: 7
const unsub = useCatStore.subscribe(
{ catId: 9 },
(state) => {
console.log('The value of age for catId 9 is changed!', state.age);
(state) => [state.age],
Stores Methods
Stores method is a way to do something with the store outside of a component like what we've learned before.
import { createStore, createStores } from 'floppy-disk';
type State = { age: number }
const useCatStore = createStore<State>(() => ({ age: 0 }));
const useFoxStores = createStores<{ id: string }, State>(() => ({ age: 0 }));
const getCatAge = () => useCatStore.get().age;
const getFoxAge = ({ id }) => useFoxStore.get({ id }).age;
const resetCatAge = () => useCatStore.set({ age: 0 });
const resetFoxAge = ({ id }) => useFoxStore.set({ id }, { age: 0 });
const subscribeCat = () => useCatStore.subscribe(console.log);
const subscribeFox = ({ id }) => useFoxStore.subscribe({ id }, console.log);
const getSubscribersOfCat = () => useCatStore.getSubscribers();
const getSubscribersOfFox = ({ id }) => useFoxStore.getSubscribers({ id });
Stores-only (not available in createStore
) methods:
// Returns array of store state
// Returns array of store state, but only for stores with subscribers
Store Key
When using stores, the store key is a store identifier. It should be an object.
The default hashing mechanism is by sorting the object keys and stringify it.
And of course we can customize it using hashKeyFn
import {
hashStoreKey, // Default hash function
} from 'floppy-disk';
const useProductStores = createStores(
({ get, set, key, keyHash }) => {
console.log(key, keyHash); // Check key (object) and keyHash (string)
return {
data: null,
hashKeyFn: myCustomHashFn, // Customize here
useProductStores({ keyword: 'floppy' });
// Hash: '{"id":"floppy"}'
useProductStores({ keyword: 'floppy', sort: 'asc' });
// Hash: '{"id":"floppy","sort":"asc"}'
useProductStores({ sort: 'asc', keyword: 'floppy' });
// Hash: '{"id":"floppy","sort":"asc"}'
If the hashed store key is same, it will use the same stored state.
Note that we don't need to memoize the store key / query key.
function Component() {
const storeKey = useMemo(() => ({ keyword: 'floppy' }), []); // ❌
const storeData = useProductStores(storeKey); // ❌
const storeData = useProductStores({ keyword: 'floppy' }); // ✅
const queryKey = useMemo(() => ({ generation: 'ii', sort: 'asc' }), []); // ❌
const { isLoading, data } = usePokemonsQuery(queryKey); // ❌
const { isLoading, data } = usePokemonsQuery({ generation: 'ii', sort: 'asc' }); // ✅
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